

This project needs your help! Please help to improve this application and fork the repository on GitHub.

Bug reports

When you found a bug, please create a bug report.

If you know how to fix the bug, you’re welcome to send a pull request.


If you like the EMSM and want to contribute to the code, then do it :)

Note, that commits should never go directly to the master branch.


You wrote a new plugin and want to share it? Great! Write me about it on GitHub and I will add it to the plugins list.

To simplify the usage by other users, you could prepare your plugin:

  1. Choose a short and unique name for your plugin.

  2. Create a plugin package, that contains the source file and data, which comes with your plugin.

  3. Add a small reST docstring to your plugin. If you don’t know how to do this, you can take a look at the source code of some other plugins. It’s quite easy.

    The documentation should contain at least these sections:

    • About (What does your plugin?)
    • Download URL
    • Configuration
    • Arguments

Spelling Mistakes

I guess the source code and this documentation contain a lot of spelling mistakes. Please help to reduce them.